How I made $700 last month — without moving a finger

Mads Chris
3 min readDec 17, 2020


Displate, collect your passions

No, you didn’t read that wrong. Last month I made $700, 100% passively, without even lifting a finger.

I’m not gonna try to sell you some course, or even sell you anything. This is my experience, and I cannot guarantee the same success, but you can certainly try.

So how did I do it?

Well, it was quite simple actually. A couple of months back, I uploaded some poster designs to a website called I didn’t think much about it and thought: “what’s the worst that can happen.”

I let it sit for some weeks and thought nothing of it. To be honest, I completely forgot about it. I check back about 3–4 weeks later, and there were some sales. Cool, I thought. Another couple of weeks go by, the same thing happened. This time there were a couple more sales. I had probably earned around $50 dollars, and by that, I had reached the withdrawal threshold.

What is Displate?

Displate is a print-on-demand website, that specializes in Metal Posters. Essentially artists upload their designs, limited to 10 a day, and if they get approved they take care of the rest.

Every time a displate (metal poster) is sold, you get a small commission in form of around 7% (- fees & discount codes).

10 days after a sale has been made, the money is available to be withdrawn, as long as you have accumulated $50+ dollars. At first, I was skeptical, but when I got my first payment of $60–70 on PayPal, I was convinced.

Payment transfers via PayPal

So, can I start?

Well, there’s good and bad news. Bad news first: The artist program has been somewhat limited, in the sense that you must e-mail Displate your potential collection in order to be approved. This is because of a recent spike in artist signups, and hopefully, they will soon change it back to the old “sign up and get started.”

Good news: After you’ve been accepted, you can upload freely, but ýour designs/posters will still have to be approved. That process usually doesn’t take more than 1 business day, but at the weekends you can expect to wait a bit more.

How much and when?

So far I’ve made about $2,000 off Displate. Not a lot, but a nice chunk of money. I enjoy making the designs — you can check them out here — and it’s a great time consumer.

I started out around last January/February, and it started out slow but has picked up every since. I found out that large sales (Black Friday, Christmas, etc.) typically doubles or triples your income for that month. With November being a very lucrative month, and it netted me around $700. It hasn’t stopped since, and I’m making around $15 a day ($450 a month). Even though it’s no $700/month, it’s still a great amount of extra 100% passive income.

So what’s the catch?

Well, so far there is no catch. Of the around $2,000, $1,600–1,700 have been deposited to my PayPal account, and later my bank account. It looks like my sales are still getting traction, and I hope to hit that $1,000/month mark someday.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us/me, and I’d be glad to answer everything.



Mads Chris
Mads Chris

Written by Mads Chris

Stories and information on financial independence, investments, side hustles, passive income & more!

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